
23. See Jasper Heinzen, ‘A negotiated truce: the battle for Waterloo in European memory since the second world war’, History and Memory, 26, 1 (Spring/Summer 2014), 39–74.

24. See Andrew W. Field, Waterloo. The French Perspective (Barnsley, 2012), p. 3.

25. Jean Charras, Histoire de la campagne de 1815, Waterloo (Brussels, 1857), p. 279.

26. For some modelling by a team of professional surveyors and archaeologists of how the original battlefield probably looked see Daniel Schnurr, James Kavanagh and Paul Hill, ‘Wellington était-il géométre? RTK GPS révéle Waterloo’ (2003), especially pp. 5–11. Accessed under http://www.fig.net/pub/fig_2003/ts_19/pp19_3_schnurr_et_al.pdf (despite the title, the text is in English).

27. The change was already noted by Victor Hugo, Les Misárables, translated and with an introduction by Norman Denny (1st edn, 1862; Penguin Classics, one-volume edn, 1982), p. 297. For the perspective of an informed modern battlefield guide see David Buttery, Waterloo. Battlefield Guide (Barnsley, 2013), pp. 3–4 and 63–4.

28. Waterloo. Histoire d’une bataille, a film written and directed by Jerome Waquet.

29. On this see Peter Hofschröer, Wellington’s Smallest Victory. The Duke, the Model Maker and the Secret of Waterloo (London, 2004).

30. E.g. Manfred Schlenke, England und das friderizianische Preussen, 1740–1763. Ein Beitrag zum Verhältnis von Politik und öffentlicher Meinung im England des 18. Jahrhunderts (Freiburg and Munich, 1963).

31. General Orders, Headquarters, Hanover, 1.2.1816, HStAH, Hann38D, 237, fol. 111.

32. John Kincaid, Adventures in the Rifle Brigade and Random Shots from a Rifleman (abridged) by Captain Sir John Kincaid (London, 1981), pp. 171–2.

33. Jonathan Leach, Rough Sketches of the Life of an Old Soldier (London, 1831), p. 390.

34. Julius von Pflugk-Harttung, Vorgeschichte der Schlacht bei Belle-Alliance. Wellington (Berlin, 1903), p. 1.

35. Quoted in Charles Moore, ‘Still skirmishing over the battle of Waterloo’, Daily Telegraph, 15.9.2013.

36. Julius Runnebaum, General Karl von Alten: Ein Soldat Europas (Hildesheim, 1964).

37. See the printed General Orders of the Field Marshal Duke of Cambridge, Headquarters, Hanover, HStAH, Hann38D, 237, fol. 111.


1. Jac Weller, Wellington at Waterloo (London, 1967).

2. John Keegan, The Face of Battle (London and New York, 1976), pp. 117–203.

3. Alessandro Barbero, The Battle. A New History of Waterloo (London, 2003); Mark Adkin, The Waterloo Companion (London, 2001).

4. Torsten Riotte, Hannover in der britischen Politik (1792–1815). Dynastische Verbindung als Element aussenpolitischer Entscheidungsprozesse (Münster, 2005); Christopher D. Thompson, ‘The Hanoverian dimension in early nineteenth-century British politics’, in Brendan Simms and Torsten Riotte (eds.), The Hanoverian Dimension in British History, 1714–1837 (Cambridge, 2007), pp. 86–110. Peter Hofschröer, The Hanoverian Army of the Napoleonic Wars (London, 1989); 1815. The Waterloo Campaign. The German Victory (London, 1999); 1815. The Waterloo Campaign: Wellington, his German Allies and the Battles of Ligny and Quatre Bras (London, 1998); Mark Wishon, German Forces and the British Army. Interactions and Perceptions, 1742–1815 (Basingstoke, 2013). See also the source collection of Klaus-Jürgen Bremm, Die Königlich Deutsche Legion, 1803–1816 Dokumente zur Militärgeschichte, Deutsches Militärarchiv (no date or place of publication).

5. There is a vivid description in Andrew Uffindell and Michael Corum, On the Fields of Glory. The Battlefields of the 1815 Campaign (London and Stackpoole, PA, 1996), pp. 117–31.

6. Barbero, Waterloo, pp. 149–56, 238–43 and 307–15.

7. Hofschröer, 1815. The Waterloo Campaign, pp. 89–92, 104–5, 131–5. Daniel S. Gray, ‘The services of the King’s German Legion in the army of the Duke of Wellington, 1809–1815’ (PhD dissertation, Florida State University, 1969), 337–50, provides valuable background but does not add much on the battle itself.

8. See Martin Mittelacher, ‘Die Nassauer bei Waterloo’, Nassauische Annalen, 109 (1998), 265–75; idem, ‘Die Nassauer bei Waterloo. Aus der Sicht neuerer englisch-sprachiger Literatur’, Nassauische Annalen, 109 (1998), 265–75; Jochem Rudersdorf, ‘Prinz Wilhelm von Oranien, Wellington und die Nassauer bei Quatre-Bras und Waterloo’, Nassauische Annalen, 120 (2009), 279– 320.

9. Jens Mastnak and Michael-Andreas Tänzer, ‘Diese denkwürdige und mörderische Schlacht’. Die Hannoveraner bei Waterloo (Celle, 2003), pp. 5–7.

10. Bernard Coppens and Patrice Courcelle, La Haie-Sainte. Waterloo 1815, Les Carnets de la Campagne 3 (2000).

11. Wilhelm von Schnehen to Major Bremer, Gross Schmeen, 11.11.1824, HStAH, Hann41, 152, fol. 7.

12. Heise to Benne, Hanover, 24.1.1841, in Gareth Glover (ed.), Letters from the Battle of Waterloo: Unpublished Correspondence by Allied Officers from the Siborne Papers (London, 2004), p. 233.